@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+import json
+import time
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from pprint import pprint
+from config import Config
+from word_generater import decodestr
+from influxdb import InfluxDBClient
+from aliyunsdkcore.client import AcsClient
+from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ClientException
+from aliyunsdkcore.acs_exception.exceptions import ServerException
+from aliyunsdkcms.request.v20190101.DescribeMetricLastRequest import DescribeMetricLastRequest
+from aliyunsdkecs.request.v20140526.DescribeInstancesRequest import DescribeInstancesRequest
+class ECSData2InfluxDB():
+ def __init__(self, region):
+ self.region = region
+ self.client = AcsClient(decodestr(Config.accessKeyId), decodestr(
+ Config.accessSecret), self.region)
+ self.influxclient = InfluxDBClient(
+ '', 8086, 'root', 'root', 'aliyun')
+ @property
+ def doAaction(self):
+ self.request.set_accept_format('json')
+ response = self.client.do_action_with_exception(self.request)
+ return json.loads(str(response, encoding='utf-8'))
+ ''' data['Datapoints']
+ {'Average': 0,
+ 'Maximum': 0,
+ 'Minimum': 0,
+ 'instanceId': 'i-2ze551ld3zvhp56r24vy',
+ 'timestamp': 1575360720000,
+ 'userId': '1655840174173842'},
+ {'Average': 0,
+ 'Maximum': 0,
+ 'Minimum': 0,
+ 'instanceId': 'i-2ze551ld3zvhp56r24uw',
+ 'timestamp': 1575360720000,
+ 'userId': '1655840174173842'}]
+ '''
+ @property
+ def DescribeECSInternetOutRate(self):
+ self.request = DescribeMetricLastRequest()
+ self.request.set_MetricName(self.action)
+ self.request.set_Period("60")
+ self.request.set_Namespace("acs_ecs_dashboard")
+ self.request.set_Express("{\"groupby\":[\"instanceId\"]}")
+ self.request.set_Length("10000")
+ data = self.doAaction
+ # with open("DescribeECSInternetOutRate.log", 'w') as f:
+ # f.write(str(data))
+ return eval(data.get('Datapoints'))
+ def DescribeInstances(self, InstanceIds):
+ self.request = DescribeInstancesRequest()
+ self.request.set_PageSize(100)
+ # InstanceIds ["i-2ze551ld3zvhp56r2504"]
+ self.request.set_InstanceIds(InstanceIds)
+ Data = self.doAaction
+ InstancesInfo = {}
+ for instance in Data['Instances']["Instance"]:
+ # pprint(instance)
+ if instance.get("NetworkInterfaces"):
+ PrivateIpAddress = instance['NetworkInterfaces']["NetworkInterface"][0]["PrimaryIpAddress"]
+ else:
+ PrivateIpAddress = instance["InnerIpAddress"]["IpAddress"][0]
+ if instance.get('PublicIpAddress') and len(instance.get('PublicIpAddress')) > 1:
+ PublicIpAddress = instance["PublicIpAddress"]["IpAddress"][0]
+ elif instance.get('EipAddress'):
+ IpAddress = instance["EipAddress"]["IpAddress"]
+ if isinstance(IpAddress, str):
+ PublicIpAddress = instance["EipAddress"]["IpAddress"]
+ else:
+ PublicIpAddress = instance["EipAddress"]["IpAddress"][0]
+ else:
+ PublicIpAddress = ""
+ #PublicIpAddress = instance["PublicIpAddress"]["IpAddress"][0]
+ InstanceId = instance["InstanceId"]
+ InstanceChargeType = instance["InstanceChargeType"]
+ InstancesInfo[InstanceId] = {"PublicIpAddress": PublicIpAddress, "PrivateIpAddress": PrivateIpAddress,
+ "InstanceChargeType": InstanceChargeType, 'InstanceId': InstanceId}
+ # InstancesInfo.append({'InstanceId':InstanceId, "PublicIpAddress": PublicIpAddress, "PrivateIpAddress":PrivateIpAddress, "InstanceChargeType":InstanceChargeType})
+ return InstancesInfo
+ @property
+ def RearrangeData(self):
+ ecsdatalist = self.DescribeECSInternetOutRate
+ ecsdatadict = {}
+ for data in ecsdatalist:
+ ecsdatadict[data['instanceId']] = data
+ instanceids = [x['instanceId'] for x in ecsdatalist]
+ instanceids = [instanceids[i:i+100]
+ for i in range(0, len(instanceids), 100)]
+ for arr in instanceids:
+ Ipinfos = self.DescribeInstances(arr)
+ for data in Ipinfos.keys():
+ ecsdatadict[data]['PrivateIpAddress'] = Ipinfos[data]['PrivateIpAddress']
+ ecsdatadict[data]['PublicIpAddress'] = Ipinfos[data]['PublicIpAddress']
+ #instanceid = data['instanceId']
+ # print(instanceid)
+ #PrivateIpAddress = Ipinfos[instanceid]['PrivateIpAddress']
+ #PublicIpAddress = Ipinfos[instanceid]['PublicIpAddress']
+ #data['PrivateIpAddress'] = PrivateIpAddress
+ #data['PublicIpAddress'] = PublicIpAddress
+ return ecsdatadict
+ @property
+ def Save2Influx(self):
+ data = self.RearrangeData
+ influx_jsons = self.GenInfluxJson(data)
+ # pprint(influx_jsons)
+ res = self.influxclient.write_points(influx_jsons)
+ return res
+ def GenInfluxJson(self, data):
+ influx_jsons = []
+ table = self.action
+ n = 0.01
+ if self.action == "VPC_PublicIP_InternetOutRate":
+ for k, v in data.items():
+ if v.get("PublicIpAddress"):
+ timestamp = int(str(v['timestamp'])[:10])
+ if int(str(timestamp+n)[-1]) == 9:
+ n += 0.02
+ jsonbody = {"measurement": table,
+ "time": datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp+n, timezone.utc).isoformat("T"),
+ "tags": {"PrivateIpAddress": v["PrivateIpAddress"]
+ },
+ "fields": {"value": int(v['Average'])
+ }
+ }
+ n += 0.01
+ influx_jsons.append(jsonbody)
+# if self.action == "cpu_total" or self.action == "IntranetOutRate":
+ else:
+ for k, v in data.items():
+ if v.get("PrivateIpAddress") and "10.0." in v.get("PrivateIpAddress"):
+ timestamp = int(str(v['timestamp'])[:10])
+ if int(str(timestamp+n)[-1]) == 9:
+ n += 0.02
+ jsonbody = {"measurement": table,
+ "time": datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp+n, timezone.utc).isoformat("T"),
+ "tags": {"PrivateIpAddress": v["PrivateIpAddress"]
+ },
+ "fields": {"value": int(v['Average'])
+ }
+ }
+ n += 0.01
+ influx_jsons.append(jsonbody)
+ return influx_jsons
+ def Run(self):
+ actions = ["VPC_PublicIP_InternetOutRate", "IntranetOutRate", "cpu_total", "memory_usedutilization", "net_tcpconnection","load_5m"]
+ for action in actions:
+ self.action = action
+ self.Save2Influx
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ while 1:
+ ins = ECSData2InfluxDB("cn-beijing")
+ ins.Run()
+ time.sleep(30)